These Humans Are the Light the World Needs

They are making gratitude, health, education, and connection the main pillars to build our future upon.

Vincent Van Patten
8 min readJan 21, 2021


Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

At about 9 am, I looked into the sky and noticed the moon was still visible and unusually massive as if it was hanging by strings attached to the heavens.

I thought to myself, how can we not believe in magic, a connection between our spirit and the universe, or even something more extraordinary when the moon floats over our daily lives?

It’s unfathomable to consider the greater system we’re a part of because most of the time, it’s utterly perplexing just being human. Worlds as complex as those above exist within each of us.

But there’s so much more to our existence; looking at the pale and barren moon is a beautiful reminder of this. We can break through the veil of our earthly domain and see something that’s a part of our world but not, akin to the human spirit.

The moon’s celestial energy takes me out of my own mind and makes me think more universally about the planet and the stars and how we’re connected as humans.

We have a purpose here that we must realize as a united planet. We must.

