Modern Man

Men, it’s time we step up and be the human beings our world so badly needs.

Vincent Van Patten


Love this guy. We need our friends. Osaka, Japan.

A couple weeks ago I broke down crying
To a brother, a best friend, over FaceTime
I’d be lying
If I told him it’s all good
When he asked me how you doin’?
I needed to cry; for days I waited to call
Stepped from a precipice
Surrendered told it all;
I felt ripped up like a monster
What got me through it was the page
To mature means understanding
When we’re told that it’s our age.
Realize we all feel broken
We hold ourselves together
Looking at everyone else as if
Idols of perfection
Shining like a moon in which
This monster’s meant to howl.

My friend called me today and
He was hurting too
Now I’m doing better
I just hope to help him through;
Each of us a soul
Shattered, remnants of the spirit scattered
On the floor — iridescent and imperfect
Blazing in



Vincent Van Patten

Exploring what lights my soul on fire while living in Japan. Host of The Dare to Dream Podcast