I can't tell you how powerful this is George! There are many points that I align with; I'm twenty-five-years-old and strongly considering moving to Japan to teach English, write, and develop as a human being through facing the unknown.

It looks like you're a Jordan Peterson fan so you're familiar with this concept! My Youtube feed is full of his Biblical Lectures and podcasts; I can't get enough of JP.

Face the unknown voluntarily to grow into everything we're meant to be.

It's challenging to see the moment we're in as necessary for our growth -- but I strongly believe everything we go through is for a reason. I'm grateful to have found this story my man🙏🏻 Keep your head up, keep learning, keep growing, keep enjoying! That's what this is all about.

Cheers sir!

Vincent Van Patten

Exploring what lights my soul on fire ❤️‍🔥 Living in Japan. vincentvanpatten.com